Presented a the Conference on Legal Argumentation at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (June 16th to 17th, 2019).


Presented a the I Fórum de Estudos do PPgEL at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (November 12th, 2019).

Presented at the XIV Forum for Linguistic Sharing at the New University of Lisbon (July 6th, 2019).

Attending the Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics at the New University of Lisbon (July 1st to 5th, 2019).

Presented at the European Conference on Argumentation 2019 at Groningen University (June 24th to 27th, 2019).

Attended the European Conference on Argumentation Summer School at Leiden University (June 20th to 22nd, 2019).

Presented at the European Law School, University of Maastricht (more information here) as a guest of Prof. Dr. Felipe Oliveira de Sousa (June 7th, 2019).

Presented at the T.W.I.S.T. Conference for Linguistics at Leiden University (April 12th and 13th, 2019).


Attended the course Argumentation and Communication in Law lectured by Prof. Dr. José Plug at the University of Amsterdam (October 31st to December 19th).

Attended the event Oitavas Jornadas Internacionais de Análise do Discurso e Terceiro Congresso Internacional de Estudos do Discurso – JADIS VIII e CIED III at the University of Porto (October 18th to 19th, 2018).

Attended the event Jornada Luso-Brasileira: Linguística e perspetivas de cooperação científica at the New University of Lisbon (October 15th, 2018).

Attended the event 2nd International Conference on Pragmatics and Philosophy – Pragmasophia at the New University of Lisbon (September 18th to 21st, 2018).

Attended the course La linguistique textuelle – et son application didactique lectured by Prof. Dr. Lita Lundquist (Copenhagen Business School) at the New University of Lisbon (Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics 2018).

Attended the course Texte, connaisance et action: théories et pratiques lectured by Prof. Dr. Antónia Coutinho, Prof. Dr. Matilde Gonçalves e Prof. Dr. Audria Leal (New University of Lisbon) at the New University of Lisbon (Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics 2018).

Presented the work Textual Discourse Analysis: Towards an Illocutionary-Argumentative Model for the International Legal Discourse at the 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic (Pôle Universitaire Lardy – Campus Albert Londres)/Workshop: Logic, Law and Legal Reasoning. Also attended the School on Universal Logic.

Attended the course Modèle dialogal trilogique de l’argumentation lectured by Prof. Dr. Christian Plantin (Université Lyon 2) at the University of Buenos Aires (IV SEDiAr).

Presented the work Textual Discourse Analysis: Towards an Illocutionary-Argumentative Model for the International Legal Discourse at the IV Seminar in Discourse and Argumentation (IV SEDiAr) at the University of Buenos Aires. (In Portuguese)

Co-presented the talk Argumentation, Polemics and Visual Art with Prof. Dr. Hozanete Lima at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Argumentation and Polemics). (In Portuguese)


Co-tutored the workshop Introduction to R to Linguists organized by Prof. Dr. Mahayana Godoy. (In Portuguese)

Attended the event III Simpósio Internacional de Estudos de Tradições Discursivas (STRAD) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

Attended the event IV Seminário do Projeto de História do Português Brasileiro no Rio Grande do Norte (PHPB/RN) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

Presented the work Textual Discourse Analysis: Towards an Illocutionary-Argumentative Model for the International Legal Discourse at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (IV Semana de Letras). (In Portuguese)

Presented the work Textual Discourse Analysis: Towards an Illocutionary-Argumentative Model for the International Legal Discourseat the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (IV Semana de Letras). (In Portuguese)

Presented the work (In) The Eyes of the Serpent: Perceptions and Representations of the Mexican in Graham Greene at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (IV Semana de Letras). (In Portuguese) 

Attended the course Linguistic and discursive incursion in the text lectured by Prof. Dr. Armando Jorge Lopes (Eduardo Mondlane University).

Presented the work Textual Discourse Analysis: Towards a Pragmatic-Argumentative Model for the International Legal Discourse at the Escola Brasileira de Linguística Computacional (EBRALC 2017) e XIV Encontro de Linguística de Corpus (ELC 2017) (University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos). (In Portuguese)

Attended the workshop Semantics meets Lexicography: frame-based dictionaries lectured by the Semantic Research Group at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (EBRALC 2017/ELC 2017).

Attended the workshop Using Sketch Engine in the analysis of word behavior lectured by Prof. Dr. Ana Frankenberg-Garcia (University of Surrey) at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (EBRALC 2017/ELC 2017).

Attended the workshop Introduction to NLP/Sentiment Analysis lectured by Prof. Dr. Thiago Pardo (University of São Paulo) at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (EBRALC 2017/ELC 2017).

Attended the workshop Integrating corpus and cognitive linguistic approaches in language research and teaching: rationales and praxes lectured by Prof. Dr. Dilin Liu (University of Alabama) at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (EBRALC 2017/ELC 2017).

Attended the course The presence of another lectured by Prof. Dr. Maria Inês Batista Campos (University of São Paulo) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

Presented the work Textual Discourse Analysis: Towards a Pragmatic-Argumentative Model for the International Legal Discourse at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (II International Interdisciplinary Colloquium  in Communication and Discourse). (In Portuguese)

Attended the course L’Énonciation en linguistique lectured by Prof. Dr. Zlatka Guentchéva and Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Desclés at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (II International Interdisciplinary Colloquium  in Communication and Discourse).

Attended the course (Im)Politeness in focus lectured by Prof. Dr. Luiz Antonio da Silva (University of São Paulo) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

Presented the work Textual Discourse Analysis: Towards a Pragmatic-Argumentative Model for the International Legal Discourse at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (XXII Research Seminar of the Social and Applied Sciences Center). (In Portuguese)